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Wow, so much has happened since I last wrote a blog. I finished up my time in Thailand, and there’s so much to share about it, but it was a wonderful experience. From the village visits and the preschool to the Friday night movie nights with our host family and spending the holidays together with the full squad—it was just such a wonderful time, full of growth and connection with the Holy Spirit.

On January 1st, we began our journey to Albania. The trip took three days, although it was much more comfortable than traveling from Malaysia to Thailand. Just two flights and a bus ride! We drove from Romania, through North Macedonia, to Tirana, Albania. We arrived on January 3rd and met Erion, our current ministry host.

Albania is a very different experience than anything I’ve had on the race thus far. The first difference is that we live in apartments in the capital, so it’s very busy and noisy. City life is not for the weak! But the work we’re doing looks different too. For the first half of the race, we had mostly structured ministry days. Obviously, in Malaysia, it was chaotic and always moving, but we almost always taught three days a week, and that didn’t change. But here in Albania, there is no set ministry. The church presence is so new. Albania was under communism until 1991, so Christianity wasn’t allowed. On weekends, my team goes and shares messages and testimonies all around Albania. But during the week, our main goal is outreach—making friends and sharing the Gospel. And it’s probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It’s intimidating to just walk up to someone and start talking about Jesus. I often find myself comparing it to home, where I talked about Jesus all the time at the coffee shop I worked in. It was easy then because half of my job was talking to people. It seems so much harder to approach people here. And honestly, I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the environment, my own timidness, or maybe it’s that everyone here looks so intimidating.

I’ve made one friend during this time. We met in a coffee shop, bonded over art, and talked for a long time about Jesus! It was such an answered prayer from the Lord because I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to have a meaningful conversation with anyone, but He soothed those worries.

We’re planning a women’s event in February, so all the people we’re talking to will be able to come together and find community in the church here. It’s exciting to plan!

This country has been really challenging for me so far. Our circumstances are great—no sleeping on the floor—but I’m missing home a lot and thinking about what happens next. It’s cold here, which is unpleasant and affects moods. Outreach is stretching and uncomfortable, and my team is feeling it too. Don’t get me wrong—we are incredibly blessed to be where we are and to be doing what we’re doing. I know the Lord will bring so much growth from this trying time, but please keep us in your prayers. It’s hard to be on month 5 out of 9, away from what’s familiar.

I’m grateful for what God is doing in Albania. I’m grateful for what He is doing in me. I’m grateful to have a heater. I’m grateful to have a bed. I’m grateful for crepes. I’m grateful for coffee shop conversations. I’m grateful to be supported by all of you.

Thanks for reading! I’m sorry for my inconsistent blog updates. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out! Or if you want to keep supporting me on the field, you can do that too!

Venmo: @reannon0412

Cashapp: $ellareannon

2 responses to “Life in Albania”

  1. I know your next Blog will be powerfull. Your life is a testimony that touched so many peoples lifes, mine included .
    Keep on going, keep on sharing, keep on testifying . You are doing amazing Penelope .

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